Saturday 8 November 2008

Focus group Helen, John, Tom Legends

Focus group Helen John and Tom Legends
Wills Signitures brought up in focus group.
Sense of finding yourself
Realistic feel
Finding something within
sincere humane nice guy
"he is human you trust him nice fellow conveyed through his roles"
Surpeising as Tom doesnt like Will CLOSET WILL FAN.

The fact that you never see Will kill his only friend Sam the dog in I am legend was discussed. pointing out how Will is once again the moral gardian and nice day shown not only by him but by the narrative and filming as you never see him kill the dog and it is framed so you see his face only forcing a connection between audience and Will. Showing Hollywood has cottoned on to Will Smith likeness to Morgan Freeman. The moral guardian for the next generation and nice guy so liked by elders, but also a tougth guy so is liked by the younger audience as well

1 comment:

TommyTucker said...

haha very funny langford!! closet will smith fan!! maybe i am lol... but yeah as i said before in your focus group i find alot of will's acting comes from the heart and its a very true ad honest performance in anything he does... so yeah langer i suppose he is creeping his way into my good books lol.
goodluck with the work pal